1 Arthur Lost and Found

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Arthur Lost and Found

Written by Marc Brown

Illustrated by Marc Brown

Reviewed by Megan R. (age 7) & Zorawar S. (age 8)

Arthur Lost and Found

In the story Arthur Lost and Found by Marc Brown, Arthur gets lost. In the beginning, Arthur has to go to a swimming class by taking the bus by himself. He doesn't think he's ready to ride the bus by himself, so he asks Buster to go with him. When they get on the bus, they both fall asleep and miss their stop. They go to a restaurant and Arthur spends his leftover money on sodas, and doesn't have money to call home. The problem is solved when they get back on the bus and the nice bus driver takes them back home.

Our favorite part of the story is when Arthur goes home after being lost because he is so happy. Our favorite character is D.W. because she is funny and makes us laugh. The story relates to our lives because we have been lost before. The pictures in the book help tell the story.

We think other people should read this story because it is a beautiful story with a happy ending.