One Hundred Dresses
Written by Eleanor Estes
Illustrated by Louis Slobodken
Reviewed by Megan B (age 10)
Wanda doesn't have any friends. She lives up on Boggins Heights. She goes to school by herself, and she goes home all by herself. They would sometimes wait for Wanda, and sometimes they just went without waiting for Wanda to tease her. Wanda always wore the same dress to school. Peggy would asked Wanda how many dresses she had. Wanda always said she had a 100 dresses. This made the girls laugh at Wanda. They thought if Wanda had a 100 dresses she wouldn't always be wearing the same dress. So every chance they got to teased Wanda. They went inside the house. They saw that Wanda had drawn 100 dresses on her closet wall.
Wanda moved away. She wrote a letter to Room 13. The teacher read the letter to the class. They were listening carefully. After school, Maddie and Peggy went up on Boggins Heights to see if Wanda was gone. But when they got there they saw that everything was gone.
I liked the a lot because it was a good book. Wanda reminded me of when I wear my dresses too. Yes, there are illustrations. The pictures are black and white. I think that they are really good pictures.They would like to hear about Wanda's hundred dresses.
In this story, there are a lot of characters. The characters are Wanda, Peggy, Maddie, and the students. I like this book because it reminded me of how teasing can hurt people. Maddie and Peggy hurt Wanda with their teasing. Maddie and Peggy changed in this story. They felt bad about teasing Wanda at the end of the story. This book has black and white illustrations that helps bring the story to life.
I recommend this book to everyone- those being teased and those doing the teasing. It shows how our actions can hurt others.