1 Be My Valentine

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Be My Valentine

Written by Rosemary Wells

Illustrated by Rosemary Wells

Reviewed by Hikaru Y. (age 7)

Be My Valentine

Timothy, Charles, Lily and Yoko were getting ready for a Valentine's Day party. They were going to give the person they liked a Valentine card. Timothy was going to give the Valentine card to Yoko and Yoko was going to give it to Timothy. Charles was going to give it to Lily and Lily was going to give it to Charles. When they all opened their cards they were happy. The class gave Valentines to their teacher. The class had a lot of fun.

My favorite part of the story is when the kids all gave their Valentine cards to each other because it made them happy. My favorite characters are Lily and Yoko because they are girls. This story relates to my life because every year we have a Valentine's Day party in class. There are pictures that help tell the story.

I think others should read this story because it is a very wonderful story. It will make you want to give a Valentine to everyone in your class.