1 Helen Keller's Teacher

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Helen Keller's Teacher

Written by Margaret Davidson

Illustrated by Wayne Blickenstaff

Reviewed by Talia J. (age 10)

Helen Keller's Teacher

Do you know about Annie Sullivan, Helen Keller's teacher? Well, when she was nine, she and her brother, Jimmie, went to live at the state poorhouse at Tewksbury. After her brother dies, Annie just wanted to leave Tewksbury and go to school, but she was almost totally blind. When she was 14, she was enrolled as a charity pupil for Perkins Institute for the Blind. Then, when she was 20 years old, she met Helen Keller. When Helen was 18 months old, scarlet fever robbed her of her vision, hearing, and her voice. Then, with Helen's and Annie's determination, they defeated the odds against them. To find out the rest of the story, read this book!

My reactions towards this book are excited, happy and shocked because I never knew that Annie had lived in a poorhouse for four years. At the same time, I was shocked that her parents where from Ireland. I like this book because I have always, sense third grade, wanted to learn about Annie Sullivan. Finally, my curiousity is satisfied. This book reminded me of myself because when I was young, I seemed to be as bad as Annie. Also, I am becoming very skilled at the manual alphabet. This book reminded me of Helen Keller, by the same author, only it's about Helen, not Annie.

I recommend this book to third, fourth, and fifth grade students, and those that like biographies. There are hard words, like "trachoma" and "valedictorian" that only the higher grades know. Also, there are a few pictures, one per chapter. I definently recommend this book because it is exiting and shocking. If you like biographies and if you like Helen Keller and want to know about Annie Sullivan, you should read this book.