1 Henry the Sailor Cat

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Henry the Sailor Cat

Written by Mary Calhoun

Illustrated by Erick Ingraham

Reviewed by Chris M. (age 7) & Jeffrey G. (age 8)

Henry the Sailor Cat

Henry wanted to be a sailor cat. So he sprang on board a sailboat. When he smelled the sails he felt sick, and he jumped out to smell the fresh air. He jumped out of the bottom of the ship and scrambled up the mast. Henry liked when the wind ruffled his fur and his whiskers. He saw dolphins jumping up in the air. But then a strong wind filled the boat and the man who was steering the boat fell out of the boat and he gets further and further away from the boat. Does the man get back to the boat? Who can rescue him? Read the book to find out.

We both like this book because Chris likes cats and Jeffrey likes to sail. Our favorite part was when the cat climbed the mast and was swung around it. It was funny because the cat's face looked funny when he slid off the sail and flew into the air. We felt happy as we read this book because the cat was helpful in a lot of ways. He was helpful when he steered the boat in the storm.

We recommend this book to people who like to sail and who like cats. And we recommend this book for ages 5 to 12 years old.